Wednesday, May 11, 2016

For contemporary romance, what point of view do you enjoy most?

Last weekend I read entries for a (contemporary romance) writing contest, and two out of the three were written in first point of view. Recently I read a first person POV from a heroine, and the hero POV was third person, both in past tense. It was okay, but when both are in third person, it suits me better for one reason-- I'm bored with just one.  This is romance.  It takes two to tango. They work through problems, and I like to know how they feel and think. What is their growth arc? It is true that 85% of romance readers are women, and they want to fall in love with the hero. This is why his POV has huge merit.  Our readers want to know what he is experiencing. He needs to be appealing.
First person POV is workable for women's fiction with romantic elements. The heroine discusses love. I wrote a booklet to use when I teach Point of View.
What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting question, I like third person. Thought, like you I am seeing more 1st person. I find I don't like them and feel more as if I'm reading a person diary than a book.


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