Friday, January 11, 2019

#Tirgearr author shares #writingtips for a reunion story. #amwriting romantic suspense---what do you need for second chance love?

Today I’d like to share what I believe is necessary for a second chance love story.

In a reunion story, the hero and heroine who have been separated for some time are brought together.  This is  the case in my work-in-progress, Bitter Alliance, book 3 in my Donahue Cousins series. As with classic reunion love stories, their shared past ended on a sour not. They missed each other, but anger and disappointment returns when they see each other again. The appeal to readers of any reunion romance is the opportunity for the hero and heroine have to make things better. They must right the wrongs.  In Bittersweet Alliance the hero was named in a paternity case, and the heroine left so that he could care for the infant and possibly work things out with the baby’s mother.  The heroine is a traditional woman who values families.  He’s angry she pushed him away but is eager for a do-over.  She’s acting like a diva, but this isn’t who she usually is.  At one time or another, haven’t our hurt feelings gotten in the way of mature behavior? Bittersweet Alliance is a romantic suspense, and they work together to solve a case which began at the end of Unholy Alliance. In this book an evil woman got away, and she is the primary villain in Bittersweet Alliance.

Will my hero and heroine be brave enough and trusting enough to start again? She needs to open up all her emotions and be honest instead of acting like a diva. Lightning did strike twice, and their attraction is wonderful but angsty.

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#BookQW word is DRINK-- excerpt from Unholy Alliance, a #Tirgearr Publishing #RomanticSuspense --

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